On our way . . .
Every morning the goal is to hustle the kiddo out the door by 8:00 AM so we have plenty of time to travel the 18 blocks to school in time for the 8:30 start. As you might expect, we don't always meet our leave-the-house goal and, with a tighter time frame we are faced with the age old question: bus or subway?
Transit knows the answer.
Transit is an app another mom told me about. You open it up and it gives you time estimates for all of the subway and bus lines near where you are. You can tap on any of the options and see the schedule for the next several busses or trains on that line. It's brilliant. Three minutes 'till the bus? We can make it! Twelve minutes 'till the next bus? Let's head to the train.
And it's not just for New York! Click here for a list of other regions Transit covers.
Did I mention it's free?
You're welcome. xo