Independence Day

Happy Independence Day, Friends! I took yesterday off so I'm back to work today - I'm doing some writing for my play-writing class at ESPA, I've got a rehearsal this afternoon . . .  Later, in a nod to the holiday, I'll make dinner for me and my husband and then we'll go up to our roof and see what we can of the fireworks.

This Summer is absolutely my busiest (hence the lack of blogging) and, arguably, my best-so-far as an artist.  Ultimately, I owe that to my own artistic Independence:  I've been lucky enough these past couple of years to really have the time and space to dig in, to improve my craft, to work towards doing more and more work that speaks directly to my interests and passions . . . to do the work of being an artist.  Like I am today.

I was persuaded by Malcolm Gladwell when he told us that the self-made individual is an American myth.  Nevertheless, I feel I owe a lot of my pluck, my drive and my determination to my American roots.  Happy Birthday, U.S.A.!